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User Stories are Fun! Capture the Magic with Story Cubes® & Innovation Games®
Event : 
Agile PrC
March 21, 2016 - 12:00am
Event ID: 
Program Description: 

Does the idea of writing user stories get you and your Team down?  If you feel there has got to be more to a user story than that tired, old “As a [user], I want…” template, then this session is for you!  In this hands-on and practical session, Carlton Nettleton will show the essential elements to writing great user stories and you will practice two techniques to find hidden requirements using Innovation Games® and Story Cubes®.  Start writing better stories today!

Special Instructions: 

Event ID: C018160306A

5:30-6:30 pm Presentation, Q&A 

No cost - walk-ins welcome
PMI-MN membership not required

Speaker(s) Bios: 

Carlton Nettleton, is an international speaker, trainer, consultant and thought-leader on Scrum and Agile software development from San Diego County, California.  He provides advice, consulting, mentoring and training to teams and organizations from small start-ups to businesses that develop products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Carlton he has over fourteen years of experience, working on five continents and in over fifteen countries, to improve quality, increase productivity, build great teams and apply Lean Thinking to software programs.  He is a Certified Scrum Trainer®, the author of the book Fourteen Observations of Good Scrum Practice, bilingual in English and Spanish and a part-time Lisbon resident.
