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April Board Member Spotlight

Board Member Spotlight: Miriam Isaac


This month, we spotlight our Director at Large Miriam Isaac

Miriam Isaac has been a PMI member since 2017 and a PMI-MN volunteer since 2019. Her current Chapter Role(s) are Director at Large, Board Liaison for PMI-MN Outreach Committee, and 40th Anniversary committee member.  Miriam's past roles include Chair of the Marketing and Communications Committee position from 2019-2021 and Chair of the DE&I Committee in 2022.
Miriam currently works as a Senior Program Manager with OneOme, a biotechnology company based in NE Minneapolis. Miriam has over 13 years of project and program management experience in the healthcare,  health insurance and biotechnology industries.
Miriam enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, volunteering, reading, dancing, meeting new people and spending time on any beach.

Thank you Miriam for all your contribution and hard work for PMI MN!
