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Effective Project Management provides better results in less time than AGILE
Event : 
November 16, 2015 - 10:30pm to November 17, 2015 - 2:30am
Event ID: 
Program Description: 

Effective project managers have the skills to successfully deliver products and services on time and on budget, applying the best process methodologies to meet the requirements of any project. The key is defining the end solution, all customer requirements and using the most agile device in project management, effective people management. Too often we look for the “new” method when most projects fail due to failure to meet customer requirements. It starts with definition, every requirement and then agreement to roles responsibilities, time lines and communication. Iterative product development is over 100 years old, and although we like renaming it Agile, or Streaming, it is simply one way to approach the problem.

Speaker(s) Bios: 

Rob Beachy

Axiom CTO with over 25 years of engineering, research and design, product development, marketing, and manufacturing experience. A Certified New Product Development Professional (NPDP), Rob has extensive experience in concept ideation, product management, life cycle management, and problem solving with multiple patents and successful products from General Electric and The Toro Company. Rob is a lecturer and guest faculty of the University of Minnesota and adjunct at the University of Virginia.
