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Prep Course

PMP® Certification Prep Class Schedule

PMP® Certification Preparation Classes

The Minnesota Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI-MN®) provides several PMP® prep classes each year. The classes include the shared perspectives of a diverse teaching team, comprehensive study guides and sample questions. The course is an exceptional value for PMI-MN members (discounted price) and for non-members.

Two formats used are:

  • Evening classes over eight weeks: Three times a year, we offer classes running from 6:00to 9:00 PM one day a week for eight consecutive weeks for a total of 24 hours. Local organizations donate their facilities for these classes.
  • Daytime classes: Once a year, we provide a PMP® preparation class in conjunction with our Professional Development Days (PDD) for a total of 24 education hours over three days

PMP® Application Writing Q&A Sessions

PMI® members planning to submit their qualifications to PMI® World Headquarters so they can take the PMP® certification exam are welcome to attend a special question-and-answer session about filling out the application. These sessions are open to all at no charge.

Schedule for Prep & Application Classes

PMI-MN offers classes several times a year: Winter, Spring, and Summer and during Professional Development Days.  See Events Calendar for specifice dates and time.

PMP Candidates! Certification Course Hours

PMP® candidates now need to document 35 hours of project management education in order to take the exam. These courses provide 24 of these hours.




More information about PMP® Certification can be found in FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.
